USB Stabilizer

USB Stabilizer allows any Windows software to quickly and reliably work with unstable/degraded USB storage devices. It is a combination of software and a hardware device which connects between the PC and USB source drive. The source drive shows up in Windows as if it was connected directly, allowing any software to work with it.

USB Stabilizer provides seamless hardware instability handling, ensuring that intermittent drive issues do not cause software/Windows to freeze, crash, or drop the drive. Whenever the drive gets 'stuck' reading a bad area, it is automatically reinitialized by hardware resets, dramatically speeding up bad sector processing and slowing down the rate of further physical degradation. As the last resort, the drive can be automatically repowered - and this happens without aborting the recovery process because the drive is kept mounted in Windows even while being repowered!

To learn more:

For a detailed list of features please click here.
The demo video for USB Stabilizer Tech and R-Studio Technician can be viewed here.
The demo video for USB Stabilizer Pro and USB Stabilizer 10Gb can be viewed here.
  • Some of the newest USB drives cannot be converted to SATA or cannot be decrypted after conversion, so they must be recovered through native USB.
  • USB Stabilizer allows working not just on USB drives, but also on any other device which can be converted to USB. In particular it's a big help with unstable PCIe SSDs, as we show in the demo video; those are impossible to convert to SATA and all SSDs are very quickly switching to PCIe.
  • USB Stabilizer is highly advantageous for drives with an uncommon type of software encryption or rare file system (for ex. from a DVR system) which is not supported by popular professional SATA tools. Typically such drives must be fully imaged and the image processed by relevant decryption/file system parsing software, however taking a full image is not always possible, for ex. if the drive has degraded platters. With USB Stabilizer such cases can be done without taking a full image, i.e. the drive shows up in Windows so relevant software can be ran directly on it to decrypt/parse file system on the fly and only recover important files.
  • A lot of time can be saved on USB to SATA conversions, especially if a SATA connector must be soldered because there is no compatible SATA PCB layout. Of course imaging over USB is not as efficient as over SATA due to limitations of USB protocol, but unless the drive is in very bad shape, it can still be recovered with the USB Stabilizer to save time.
  • At $990US, USB Stabilizer is significantly less expensive than the per-port cost of popular professional SATA tools. Working through a USB drive bay, it's certainly not as efficient at processing read instabilities on SATA drives as native SATA tools, but it's plenty for the easier half of SATA drives that come in for recovery, allowing a SATA port to be freed up on your professional SATA tool.
  • All of the above advantages only become more significant with time. Every year there are more USB drives, a larger percentage of them become unconvertable, there are more PCIe SSDs, and software encryption is used more commonly.
Read the review by Sabo Computer Repairs & Data Recovery where USB Stabilizer is tested with DFL-DE, R-Studio, and DMDE.

USB Stabilizer Tech and R-Studio Technician

Includes USB cable and power supply. 1 year warranty.
Requires Windows 10 or 11, x64.
For more information on R-Studio, please click here.


USB Stabilizer Pro and R-Studio Technician

Includes USB cable and power supply. 1 year warranty.
Requires Windows 10 or 11, x64.
For more information on R-Studio, please click here.


USB Stabilizer 10Gb and R-Studio Technician

Supports SATA, USB, and M.2 M-key NVMe natively.
Includes USB cable and power supply. 1 year warranty.
Requires Windows 10 or 11, x64.
Requires USB-C 10Gb.
For more information on R-Studio, please click here.


USB Stabilizer 10Gb

Supports SATA, USB, and M.2 M-key NVMe natively.
Includes USB cable and power supply. 1 year warranty.
Requires Windows 10 or 11, x64.
Requires USB-C 10Gb.


USB Stabilizer Pro

Includes USB cable and power supply. 1 year warranty.
Requires Windows 10 or 11, x64.


Set of Adapters for USB Stabilizer Tech or Pro

Includes adapters for SATA HDDs/SSDs, M.2 M-key PCIe SSDs, and Apple 12+16 pin PCIe SSDs.

Administrative Fee:

Ships by DHL Express 1-2 business days after payment.


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